Performing a Swimming Pool Leak Detection in Seaside, FL

Performing a Swimming Pool Leak Detection in Seaside, FL

John Bowley
August 15, 2024
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Children playing in pool after a pool leak detection and pool repair

Swimming pools are a great way to relax and enjoy the sunny weather in Seaside, FL. However, like any other structure, pools can develop leaks. A small leak might not seem like a big deal initially, but it can lead to significant problems if left unchecked.

Performing a swimming pool leak detection is crucial to maintaining the health and efficiency of your pool. Let's explore how to identify and handle leaks to ensure your pool remains a haven for relaxation.

Understanding the Importance of Leak Detection

Leaks in swimming pools can cause various issues. They can lead to a large decrease in water levels, increase your water bills, and cause structural damage to your pool. If the water level in your pool drops significantly, it can also damage the pool equipment. Therefore, leak detection is essential to keep your pool in top condition.

When you suspect a leak, addressing it promptly is vital. Delaying the process can lead to more severe problems. Luckily, detecting a leak is not as complicated as it may seem. You can identify the issue and take necessary action with the right approach and tools.

Signs of a Pool Leak

Before diving into the detection process, let's understand some common signs indicating a pool leak. Noticing these signs early can save you time and money.

1. Water Loss

One of the most apparent signs of a leak is a noticeable decrease in the water level. While evaporation is normal, excessive water loss is not. Keep an eye on the water level over a week to determine if it’s dropping more than usual.

2. Wet Spots Around the Pool

If you notice wet spots or soggy areas around the pool, it might indicate a leak. These wet spots suggest that water is escaping from the pool and soaking into the surrounding ground.

3. Cracks in the Pool Deck

Cracks in the pool deck can also indicate a leak. The water escaping from the pool can cause the soil beneath the deck to erode, leading to cracks.

4. Increased Water Bills

If your water bill is higher than usual, it could be due to a pool leak. Leaks cause a loss in water, leading to increased water usage and, consequently, higher bills.

5. Algae Growth

Unexplained algae growth can be a sign of a leak. When the water level drops and new water is added frequently, it can disrupt the chemical balance, promoting algae growth.

Using The Bucket Test: A Simple Way to Detect a Leak

The bucket test is an easy method to determine if your pool leaks. You’ll need a bucket, water, and a marker. Follow these steps:

  1. Fill the Bucket: Fill a bucket with water and place it on the pool step. Ensure the water level inside the bucket matches the pool water level.
  2. Mark the Levels: Use a marker to mark the water level inside the bucket and the pool water level outside the bucket.
  3. Observe the Changes: Leave the bucket for 24 hours. Make sure no one uses the pool during this time.
  4. Compare the Levels: After 24 hours, compare the water levels. If the pool water level has dropped more than the bucket water level, you likely leak.

The bucket test helps determine if the water loss is due to evaporation or a leak. If you suspect a leak, it’s time to investigate further.

Locating the Leak

Once you confirm a leak, the next step is to locate it. Pool leaks can occur in various parts of the pool and spa, including the structure, plumbing, or equipment. Here's how you can identify the source:

1. Inspect the Pool Shell

Begin by examining the pool shell for cracks or gaps. These might be challenging to spot, so take your time inspecting the pool's surface, including the tiles and grout lines. Use a dye test by squirting a few drops of pool dye around suspected areas. If there's a leak, the dye will be drawn into it.

2. Check the Pool Equipment

Leaks can also occur in the pool equipment, such as the filter, pump, or heater. Inspect the equipment for any signs of water leakage. Check the pipes and connections for wetness or dripping water.

3. Examine the Plumbing System

The plumbing system is another common area for leaks. Check for any visible signs of leakage in the pipes. Listen for any hissing sounds, which could indicate a leak.

4. Test the Skimmer and Return Lines

Skimmers and return lines are prone to leaks due to their exposure to pressure. Inspect the skimmer for cracks or gaps and test the return lines for any visible leaks.

5. Utilize Professional Pool Leak Detection Services

If you can't locate the leak yourself, it might be time to call in professionals. Pool leak detection experts have specialized tools and expertise to identify and repair leaks efficiently. They use equipment like electronic listening devices and pressure testing to pinpoint the exact location of the leak.

Repairing the Swimming Pool Leak

Once you identify the source of the leak, it's crucial to repair it promptly to prevent further damage. Here are some common methods for repairing pool leaks:

1. Fixing Cracks in the Pool Shell

Small cracks can often be packed using a pool patching kit to stop the leak till a proper and permanent repair can be made. Clean the area thoroughly, apply the patching material, and let it cure as per the manufacturer's instructions. This will not stop the crack from spreading, but will stop extra damage and water loss from happening for a short while. For larger cracks, you might need professional assistance.

2. Repairing Leaks in Pool Equipment

If the leak is in the pool equipment, you might need to replace faulty parts or seals. Consult the equipment manual or seek professional help if you're unsure about the repair process.

3. Addressing Plumbing Leaks

Plumbing leaks can be tricky to fix. You might need to replace damaged pipes or fittings. In some cases, rerouting the plumbing might be necessary to prevent future leaks.

4. Fixing Skimmer and Return Line Leaks

If the skimmer or return lines are leaking, you might need to reseal or replace the affected parts. Ensure proper installation to prevent future leaks.

When to Call a Professional Leak Detection Company

While DIY methods can help detect and repair minor leaks, some situations require professional intervention. Here are some scenarios where you should consider calling a professional like Building Specs Pros in Seaside, FL:

1. Persistent Leaks

If you've attempted repairs but the leak persists, it's time to call in experts. They have the tools and knowledge to address complex leaks.

2. Lack of Expertise

If you're unsure about the detection or repair process, it's best to consult a professional. They can provide guidance and ensure the repair is done correctly.

3. Large-Scale Leaks

For large-scale leaks that require extensive repairs, professional assistance is necessary. They can assess the situation and recommend the best course of action.

Reliable Swimming Pool Leak Detection

Building Specs Pros is a trusted name in pool care, specializing in pool leak detection, trenchless pipe repair, and comprehensive home and spa inspections. Our team of leak detection specialists utilizes advanced leak detection equipment from LeakTronics, ensuring precise identification and effective leak repair for any pool that is leaking. With rigorous LeakTronics leak detection training, we guarantee expert service that prioritizes the integrity and longevity of your pool. Whether you need routine inspections or urgent repairs, our commitment to quality makes us the go-to choice for all your pool maintenance needs.


Pool leak detection is a crucial aspect of pool maintenance. Identifying and repairing leaks promptly can save you from costly repairs and ensure your pool remains a source of joy and relaxation. By understanding the signs of a leak and taking proactive measures, you can keep your pool in excellent condition.

However, don't hesitate to seek professional help if you're unsure about the detection or repair process.  Building Specs Pros are here for your many home needs. We are located in San Diego, CA, Santa Rosa Beach, FL and Seaside, FL. Suspect your pool is leaking? Contact us today to get started!